In order to keep all children, parents and staff as safe as possible, Westgate Pre-school Ltd will be implementing the following policy:
Children entering and leaving the Pre-school building.
- Parents will be allocated a time for arrival and collection to allow social distancing and should arrive promptly to allow smooth transition for children.
- Children will enter the Pre-school building through the garden and will be greeted by a staff member.
- Pre-school have marked 2 metre distance spaces on the floor and ask that parents keep to these to socially distance from each other.
- Children will go straight into the Pre-school building via the garden and wash their hands in the bathroom, supported by a staff member.
- Parents will not be allowed in the Pre-school building or into the garden and will keep 2 metres distance from staff members.
- Only one parent and any younger sibling to accompany their child to the garden gate. Any other children must remain by the entrance gate.
- Parents should drop their child and leave as promptly so that children can be transitioned as quickly as possible.
- Children will not be allowed to bring in non-essential items e.g. toys, blankets or teddys
- Any parent needing to speak to staff members should email on . Staff will respond as quickly as possible.
- Staff members will sign children in and out on the register
- If a child is upset when entering pre-school, it is a parent’s choice if they feel comfortable in leaving their child at the setting. If the child is upset, they will be supported by a staff member who will be wearing apron, gloves and mask.
- At the end of session, children, will have washed their hands before leaving pre-school and will be brought out to meet their parent at the garden gate by a staff member who will give a short feedback of their day
Children’s movement across the building
- Children will be placed into small groups of no more than 6 children. They will have a key worker who will be responsible for caring for that group only on each day
- Children will not be mixing with other groups of children.
- Pre-school will be separated into two areas inside and the use of the garden. Children will rotate between these areas but will, when possible, spend most of the time outside. Children should have suitable clothing for all weathers.
- Any children who normally attend multiple providers should only attend one setting.
- Snack will be prepared by the same member of staff each day and children will sit together in their group, when possible 2 metres apart.
- When a child needs to go to the toilet or wash their hands, they will go with their keyworker and there will be a walkway created to keep 2 metres away from other children.
Children sneezing and coughing
- Children should not attend Pre-school if they or anyone in the household is displaying symptoms and parents must inform Pre-school of children and family members being unwell.
- On entering and leaving the Pre-school building, all staff and children will wash their hands and hand washing will be frequent throughout the day.
- Children need to wear clean clothes each day.
- Children of any parent classed as clinically vulnerable, should not be brought into Pre-school.
- Tissues will be available for children within all parts of Pre-school. Staff will support children while wearing aprons, gloves and mask. Tissues will then be disposed of into the bin and all aprons and gloves will be disposed of into the nappy changing bag.
- Furniture across the Pre-school setting will be cleaned throughout the day and given a deep clean by staff at the end of each day by staff.
- Staff to support children in understanding the spread of germs and to encourage children to use their arm when sneezing or coughing
A child displaying Coronavirus symptoms within the setting
- Children should not attend Pre-school if they or anyone in the household is displaying symptoms and parents must inform Pre-school of children and family members being unwell.
- If a child requires Calpol before entering Pre-school, he/she should not be brought into Pre-school.
- If a child becomes unwell at Pre-school, he/she will be moved to a safe place away from the other children. The child will be required to wear a mask until collected and the staff member looking after the child will wear apron, gloves and mask.
- The staff member will offer reassurance to the child and will read him/her a book
- Once the child is collected all aprons, gloves and masks will be disposed of.
- A household displaying symptoms will have to self-isolate for 14 days
- Adults and children displaying symptoms can access Covid-19 tests. Parents should advise Pre-school when results have been received.
- If a staff member or Child within Pre-school has tested positive for Covid-19 the preschool will close for Staff and Children to self-isolate for 14 days, the Preschool will be deep cleaned before reopening
Nappy changing area
- When staff are changing a child’s nappy, they will wash hands before putting gloves on and then after nappy changing.
- Children will wash hands before and after nappy changing
- All waste will be disposed of in correct bins.
- Staff will wear aprons, gloves and mask while changing nappies or clothes after toileting accidents.
Potential spread of Coronavirus to all staff and children within the setting
- The current Government guidelines state that Staff are not required to wear PPE unless within 2 metres or another child or adult.
Frequently touched objects
- Staff will Milton all toys in designated areas at the end of each day
- All tables, chairs, door handles will be regularly cleaned by staff throughout the day
- All toys, equipment and kitchen will be deep cleaned by staff before Pre-school will re-open
- Children’s toilets will be regularly cleaned by staff throughout the day
- Lunch boxes will be required to be plastic so staff can wipe them down each morning
Staff to take precautions against potentially transmitting Coronavirus to other staff and children
- Staff to wash hands on entering the building and regularly throughout the day
- Staff to wear clean clothes each day
- If staff start displaying coronavirus symptoms to self-isolate for 7 days (testing can be booked through 111 online service) and inform Ruth Ive
- Staff will be given individual hand sanitizer, staff to request more when required
- Staff to not share cups and food while in Pre-school
- Staff to wear aprons, gloves and mask while nappy changing, if welcoming children and parents into Pre-school or if dealing with an unwell child
Policy adopted by Westgate Pre-school Ltd on 1st June 2020