We believe that children and adults flourish best in an ordered environment in which everyone knows what is expected of them and children are free to develop their play and learning without fear of being hurt or hindered by anyone else. We aim to work towards a situation in which children can develop self-discipline and self- esteem in an atmosphere of mutual respect and encouragement.
Children need to learn to consider the views and feelings, needs and rights, of others and the impact that their behaviour has on other people, places and objects. This is a development task that requires support, encouragement, teaching and setting the correct example. The principles that underpin how we achieve positive and considerate behaviour exists within our programme for promoting personal, social and emotional development.
Ruth Ive is Westgate Pre-School’s designated person for behaviour management. She is responsible for ensuring staff are up to date with latest research on promoting positive behaviour and that the behaviour policy is being followed by all staff and volunteers.
How we behave
We work in partnership with children’s parents. Parents are regularly informed about their children’s behaviour by their keyperson. We work with parents to address recurring inconsiderate behaviour, using our observation records to help us to understand the cause and decide jointly how to respond appropriately.
All adults and children in Westgate Pre-school are expected to show mutual respect, be kind, considerate and co-operative. In order to ensure a safe, secure and happy environment the following rules are used.
- We try to use only kind words in Pre-school. (We do not swear, tease, or mock.)
- We try to be kind to others in our actions. (We do not kick, hit, bite, pinch, scratch or spit. We do not bully.)
- We try to use furniture and equipment for its intended purpose.
- To keep everyone safe we walk when in the Pre-school building.
- We only climb when we are told it is safe to do so.
- We respect all toys and equipment.
- All group members should show respect for others, share and take turns (taking account of children’s stage of development and understanding).
- Children’s work and work products should be treated with care and respect by all group members.
- We respect the cultural, diversity and religious diversity of everyone in the setting, celebrating our differences and sharing our experiences to provide a caring community.
In order to achieve this:
- Rules governing the conduct of the group and the behaviour of the children will be discussed and agreed with the pre-school and explained to all newcomers, both children and adults.
- All adults in the pre-school will ensure that the rules are applied consistently, so that children have a security of knowing what is expected and can build up useful habits of behaviour.
- All staff will try to provide a positive model for the children with regard to friendliness, care and courtesy.
- Adults in the pre-school will praise and endorse desirable behaviour such as kindness and willingness to share.
When children behave in unacceptable ways:
Physical punishment, such as smacking or shaking will be neither used nor threatened.
- Children will never be sent out of the room by themselves.
- Techniques intended to single out and humiliate individual children such as the “naughty chair” will not be used.
- Where appropriate a period of “reflection time” with an adult may be used.
- In cases of extreme behaviour where the child’s safety or that of other children or adults in the setting is at risk, parents will be called for and the child sent home. This will be followed by a behaviour plan.
- In cases of serious misbehaviour such as racial or other abuse, the unacceptability of the behaviour and attitudes will be made clear immediately, but by means of explanations rather than person blame.
- All types of bullying will be dealt with as above and the parents informed.
- In any case of misbehaviour it will always be made clear to the child or children in question that it is the behaviour and not the child that is unwelcome.
- Adults will not shout, or raise their voices in a threatening way.
- Adults will show respect when talking to the children.
- Adults in the pre-school will make themselves aware of, and respect, a range of cultural expectations regarding interactions between people.
- Any behaviour problems will be handled in a developmentally appropriate fashion, respecting individual children’s level of understanding and maturity.
- Recurring problems will be tackled by the whole pre-school, in partnership with the child’s parents, using objective observation records to establish an understanding of the cause.
- Adults will be aware that some kinds of behaviour may arise from a child’s special needs in which case Integrated Disability Service (IDS) will be contacted, with the parent’s approval for support and advice.
- On no account must parents approach children individually or parents of other children. Any issues must always be taken up with staff (see Complaints Policy)
This policy was reviewed by Westgate Pre-school Ltd